For over 20 years, every BMW on the road has been equipped with sophisticated anti-theft systems. Their system verifies that the key fob and proper key are in place before the vehicle is able to be started.
So what happens when you lose your BMW key? The choice is yours, but the financial impact will vary drastically if you opt to use a locksmith instead of visiting the dealer. Below you will find some of the ins and outs how to manage the headache in Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, and surrounding NYC areas.
Instead of waiting or renting a car, a locksmith equipped with the proper tools can manage the job in a single day. You won’t have to leave your location, and you won’t face any wait times for keys to be shipped.
At Sonic Locksmith, we have the equipment and key fobs available to take care of the problem on site. Your new key will be programmed and tested before our technician leaves. Once the job is complete, you can go on with your day.
A professional locksmith can show up at your location with a key and key fob that will work perfectly with your BMW.Our technicians have a computerized tool that accesses your car's electronic control unit (ECU) to reprogram the ignition and anti-theft system with your new key set. The typical cost of this service is around $300 to $350. Considering the BMW dealership can charge upwards of $500 or more, the fee for this service is pretty reasonable!
Dealers typically order new keys, which can end up costing you at least a week of downtime.
The process of obtaining a new key and key fob is not a quick one. Most dealerships will have to order a special key designed to match your vehicle type. The production and delivery of the key are said to take upwards of two weeks.During that entire time, you will not be able to operate your vehicle. Unless you have a rental plan included in your roadside service, you could be stuck with a costly car rental bill.
Locksmiths can do the job at your location the same day.

Dealerships can charge between $500 and $1000 for a new BMW key system.
Even if you choose to head to the dealership, you may be shocked at how much they charge for the replacement process. A new key will be shipped, and once it arrives, your car must be reprogrammed to accept the new fob and key. Throughout the process, you will be accumulating labor costs, including the cost of the key itself. The cost can soar as high as $1000 depending upon your model.Locksmiths charge a fraction of the cost for the same service.

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